Thursday, 7 October 2010

York Language Tuition - my new website

For my birthday this year, Kate and Kev said they'd do a website for me for York Language Tuition so I could start to promote my services as a teacher of English as a second/foreign language. Now it's nearly there I'm getting so excited. I've really had a buzz out of the teaching I've done so far, since finishing the CELTA course and can't wait to do more. I would have enjoyed the teaching on the course much more if it hadn't been for the terror of being assessed!

The starting point for the website was discussions with Kate and Kev - -trying to work out what I wanted and what was most important. They listened, they asked lots of questions and really made me think about what I planned to do. They're certainly more than just website designers as they have a good grasp of business issues too. Gradually it began to take shape and they asked more questions, asked me for little chunks of wording to go into the different sections (or pages). We talked about colour and design and they got me looking at other websites to get an idea of things I liked and didn't like: I found that really useful.

Now I'm getting impatient to see the finished product (or nearly finished product) as well as wondering whether I'll get any teaching from it over the next year. I'll update this as soon as the website is available for me to see.
12th November
Well, it's really live now - put a link on facebook and some really positive comments - Kev and Kate, you have done such a fantastic job and whatever the outcome for York Language Tuition, I hope it brings you in some websites to do. Anyone coming to you for their website will get first class, professional results.
Also has separate email address:

Over one year on and in some ways not much has happened. I've had quite a bit of teaching over the spring and summer - mainly groups of French and Czech teenagers and have also picked up some one to one work. I really enjoyed working with a Japanese mature student through the summer. He really just wanted to improve his English conversation. At the moment I have one person from Poland who has lived here for 5 years but now wishes to focus on improving her English with a view to improving her job prospects, as well as improving her conversation skills for social purposes. I find one to one teaching interesting in many ways and quite different challenges are presenting themselves each week. I'm now getting Kate's help ( ) to find ways of sourcing more students through my website at

1 comment:

  1. Just over a year on and I've been doing some teaching - mainly to groups of teenagers but I've had some one to one work as well which presents very different challenges. I now need to move up a gear and find more students for either group or individual teaching. I've been working with Kate at to get my website 'out there' a bit more.
